Welcome to the Smith Family Photo Library.

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If you have no idea who we are or why you are here, you may want to exit immediately. The following pages contain some real interesting and exciting pictures of the family of Rick and Marti Smith. Of course, if you have no idea who we are, then this will be a real bore! So continue at your own risk.

The Wedding of Christy and Rob - as told by Uncle Jim and Aunt Cindy.

The Wedding of Christy and Rob - the real story as told by Christy's Dad.

The Engagement and Wedding of Lisa and Ian (last update 1/29/17)

The Engagement and Wedding of Angela and BJ ... (last update 2/4/17)

Other exciting pictorial stories will follow as they happen and someone has time to create a web page.

1950 Smith Tile Company Truck

The other exciting photos - well, maybe they are exciting to me.... (last update 11/25/10)

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